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SnapManager for Exchange: Backup Tasks

There’s quite a lot of information out there on backup tasks, my biggest frustration is that the wizard is not very standard on creating the backup tasks, it’s much easier if you know what you’re doing to create the tasks manually and leave the backup wizard outta the picture.

Here’s the common command line arguments that come with the new-backup cmdlet

new-backup -Clusteraware 'True|False' -lcr 'True|False' -VerifyOnDestVolumes 'src_storage_system_list:src_vol:dest_storage_system:dest_vol' -Verify 'True|False' -Server 'server_name' -StorageGroup 'storage_grp1, storage_grp2, ...' -ManagementGroup 'Standard|Weekly|Daily' -ActiveDatabaseOnly 'True|False' -PassiveDatabaseOnly 'True|False' -BackupTargetServer 'server name' -ActivationPreference 'ActivationPreferenceNum' -UpdateMirror 'True|False' -VerDestVolume 'True|False' -NoUTMRestore 'True|False' -NoTruncateLogs 'False' -Throttle 'throttle_val' -VerificationServer 'server_name' -UseMountPoint 'True|False' -CCRActiveNode Boolean 'True|False' -MountPointDir 'mountpoint_dir' -RetainBackups 'no_of_days_to_retain_backup' -RetainDays 'no_of_days_delete_backup' -Command 'True|False' -RunCommand 'win_path_and_script_name' -GenericNaming 'True|False' -BackupCopyRemoteCCRNode Boolean 'True|False' -RecoveryPoint 'win_path_and_script_name' -ReportProgress 'True|False' -ArchiveBackup 'True|False' -ArchiveBackupCopyRemoteCCRNode 'True|False' -ArchivedBackupRetention 'Hourly|Monthly|Daily|Weekly|Unlimited' -RetainUtmBackups 'no_of_log_backups_to_retain'

I’ve found this one to be useful to backup all members of a DAG, active databases are full backups, secondary/passive databases are copy based backups, no up to the minute backups:

new-backup –Server 'dagname' –ClusterAware –ManagementGroup 'Standard/Daily/Weekly' –RetainDays xx –NoUTMRestore –ActiveDatabaseOnly -UseMountPoint –MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap Manager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' –RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $True –RetainRemoteAdditionalCopyBackupDays xx

This one requires an individual task on every server in the DAG however this task will only run on one of the servers, the server that holds the cluster role. This allows for all databases to be backed up and still be able to backup your databases if your nodes fail. This command also allows you to add databases to your exchange environment and not have to modify your backup jobs.


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